ONE PIECE episode1084 Teaser “Time to Depart – The Land of Wano and the Straw Hats”

ONE PIECE episode1084 Teaser "Time to Depart - The Land of Wano and the Straw Hats"

In Japan… 19th Nov 2023
On the next episode of One Piece!
“Time to Depart – The Land of Wano and the Straw Hats”



  1. stardust より:

    I’m still halfway through Whole Cake Island Arc and can’t wait to get to Wano

  2. user_rae より:

    This was one of the best arcs in OnePiece. bye bye wano.

  3. user_rae より:

    bye bye wano. welcome egghead

  4. Tomuchcake より:

    A lot of people are saying this is the final episode, and I thought that too at first, but it actually is the second to last. I hope the expanded content is worth it.

  5. riki salim より:

    Honestly i just catching up to wano arc and have been enjoying it so far. No other anime story that really make me feel emotional to the point of tear than wano. I’m so happy the anime expanded a few thing here and there to make more story since i still not ready for egghead arc.

  6. FalconHeavy より:

    why is this teaser so diffrent from the manga? there are sequences which arent in the manga at all

  7. RUM ナンバー2 より:

    次は エ、、、、、ドか

  8. Troilland Ford より:

    My favourite character is about to come back. And his name is TBOOOONE

  9. Malik より:

    Zoro and hiyori??

  10. Saro v より:

    Next arc is one of the most insane rollercoaster arc

  11. Wee the man より:

    Hope we get to see Zoro visit Ryuma’s grave

  12. Jose Lopez より:

  13. Youknodavibes より:

    The new animation is already showing it could be better than wano

  14. Hamza Albusaidi より:


  15. Khurram より:

    let’s head to egghead island

  16. 7AMart1 より:

    Glad we get to see what happened to the girl sanji saved from queen 0:12

  17. Solenya D Napa より:

    What is this filler??
