ONE PIECE episode1089 Teaser “Entering a New Chapter! Luffy and Sabo’s Paths!”

ONE PIECE episode1089 Teaser "Entering a New Chapter! Luffy and Sabo's Paths!"

In Japan… 7th Jan 2023
On the next episode of One Piece!
“Entering a New Chapter! Luffy and Sabo’s Paths!”



  1. @realfinx2501 より:

    cant wait to finally see imu and sabo again. REALLY WONDERING HOW IMU WILL SOUND LIKE

  2. @tyresefinney6602 より:

    Close to hearing Imu voice

  3. @righteousgreek2161 より:

    Bruh, the last time I heard 1089 was the chapter where Kid got Clapped it was sad

  4. @rizkyhidayah1370 より:

    the animation remind me with pre timeskip

  5. @CyborgFranky8 より:

    Is this the new animation for egg head?? It looks fucking amazing if it is

  6. @fantasticinsan3593 より:

    Lulusia incident ( legs go )

  7. @AdamSed64 より:

    Why tf is usopp white

  8. @user-wl6ec4cx8j より:


  9. @ichi6734 より:

    Oh the wano art style is completely gone, this is so ass, but as expected they usually switch it up after big arcs. Silver lining is that the animation looks good.

  10. @WCPL12075 より:

    The 10th birthday deserves the best anime qualities.

  11. @apipbobot4068 より:

    so new episode come next week?

  12. @AkemaKunz より:

    ONE PIECE Start from here

  13. @Uchihakimba より:

    Сага вега панка уже скоро

  14. @lorddarkrai5753 より:

    Despite the news about the Wit remake and the apparent excitement many people will have i will not watch it , prinarily because what makes early One Piece special is the lack of advanced technology of the 90s which is what guves early One Piece a children’s fantasy fairytale look , which sets it apart from most anime , it looks magical honestly.And i think anyone that grew up with that will do the same and will insist on watching it like that because you also get to process the tecnological advancements of each era that can be seen in the animation changes.Very fiew series like One Piece and Pokémon can capture decades of years through their animation style.

  15. @lx141 より:

    Imu sama
