Tell Me, Robin! Chopper’s I-Wanna-Learn-More-You-Fool! 〜Sabo〜

Tell Me, Robin! Chopper’s I-Wanna-Learn-More-You-Fool! 〜Sabo〜

This is a bonus part of episode 1089 to enjoy TV anime “ONE PIECE” Egghead arc even more!



  1. @xavierrobinson808 より:

    This is new.

  2. @olas764 より:

    SBS adaptation soon??

  3. @yoclickz353 より:

    So cuuuteeeee❤❤❤

  4. @zurc_bot より:

    Chopper’s voice just makes me smile. He could be saying anything lol. It’s the cutest voice in anime.

  5. @dw91803 より:

    Someone tell chopper that he needs to stop calling people fools

  6. @Ryroe より:

    I hope this kind of stuff will be shown at the end of anime episodes now, similar to how it was done in Hunter x Hunter (2011).

    This would be a great way to let people that only watch the anime experience some of the SBS content too.

  7. @easthen より:

    Funny chopper is in the same size as ever, chibi robin it’s cute

  8. @bigguy952 より:

    I kind of want to see the little stuff like this dubbed

  9. @HeraclesN-fp1bw より:

    I like this new segment especially since Egghead is about knowledge

  10. @v0nep より:

    Chopper 1st Character

  11. @Steelmaniac17 より:

    Ikue Otani has had such an iconic voice and hearing her as Chopper over the years just warms my soul

  12. @onepiece795 より:

    ロビン チュアン ナミ スアン❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  13. @user-ie7tb8hs7r より:


  14. @ai2012 より:

    you foolって何かと思ったら、コノヤロー!か
