Dive into the Sea of Information! The Punk Records Library!〜Morgans〜

Dive into the Sea of Information! The Punk Records Library!〜Morgans〜

This is a bonus part of episode to enjoy TV anime “ONE PIECE” Egghead arc even more!



  1. @sikanekinekineki より:

  2. @PepeWalter-fw7oz より:


  3. @Kristine18_YT より:

    Lilith LILITH! 😊

  4. @Animeguy300 より:

    Love these two

  5. @King-sama99 より:

    Love one piece from 🇮🇶🇮🇶

  6. @Tru3Creation より:

    This is big news!

  7. @chibk より:

    morgans is so interesting the more u think about him. just imagine him spreading the contents of vegapunk’s video to those who cant watch it

  8. @peytonkersee6727 より:

    That proves he’s a Zoen fruit user!

  9. @user-ge8vu5wc8i より:


  10. @ashgamer8365 より:

    New my theory – panda is morgan and Morgan is panda 🐼

  11. @SunglassesApeDJansu より:

    【Sunglasses Pirates】【サングラス海賊】from Finland フィンランドからThis is my third time watching One Piece, and I just finished the Dressrosa arc, so it’s over 700 episodes, and I can’t wait to see Egghead, also known as the Future Island arc.ワンピースを見るのはこれで3回目ですが、ドレスローザ編を終えたばかりなので700話を超えており、未来島編としても知られるエッグヘッドを見るのが待ちきれません。Morgans seems kinda strong and when his eyes were glowing blue we knew he would be a really good opponent for Luffy and I think that would be big news! モルガンズはちょっと強そうだし、彼の目が青く光っていたとき、彼がルフィにとって本当に良い敵であることがわかりました、そしてそれは大きなニュースになると思います!
