Dive into the Sea of Information! The Punk Records Library!〜Trafalgar.Law〜


This is a bonus part of episode to enjoy TV anime “ONE PIECE” Egghead arc even more!



  1. @Colbdolb より:

    Ah Corazon, how I miss you. 😔

  2. @user-ge8vu5wc8i より:


  3. @rodoshehossain7400 より:

    It’ll be cool if we get another unexp reunion between Law and Straw Hats again. Similar to the Stampede movie.

    So far in the manga, Bepo’s wounds are treated, Law’s probably similar to Luffy, unconscious for few days. We did see Luffy was unconscious several times. I hope they’re alight. 😔😟

  4. @Animeguy300 より:

    Law’s info

  5. @d.n.tranger1457 より:

    I hope law is okay
