Dive into the Sea of Information! The Punk Records Library!〜Nefertari Cobra〜

Dive into the Sea of Information! The Punk Records Library!〜Nefertari Cobra〜

This is a bonus part of episode to enjoy TV anime “ONE PIECE” Egghead arc even more!



  1. @Animeguy300 より:

    Awesome details

  2. @royhetharia2816 より:

    R.I.P. Nefertari Cobra 🕊🪦🥀😢

  3. @axcurs より:

    sucks that he died, probably the most unexpected death to happen in this series so far. just didn’t expect this to happen to him of all people 😭

  4. @Christinavernon2382 より:

    “Was Vivi’s father” 😭😭
