ONE PIECE episode1109 Teaser “A Tough Decision! An Unusual United Front!”

ONE PIECE episode1109 Teaser "A Tough Decision! An Unusual United Front!"

In Japan…23th June 2024
On the next episode of One Piece!
“A Tough Decision! An Unusual United Front!”



  1. @Q.010 より:

    Shanks 😨

  2. @yashivan566 より:

    Thinks i cant wait to see

    Kidds vs shanks
    Garp vs bb pirates

  3. @andreagambelli9945 より:

    It seems Toei added a scene where Sanji hears Nami’s scream, it shouldn’t have.
    They kind of ruined the surprise effect when Sanji will come to rescue Nami.

  4. @syauqidhiya2497 より:

    Gokil animasinya!!🤩🤩

  5. @alphaomega1210 より:


  6. @ayantosio1993 より:

    It looks so fvcking lit 💥💥💥

  7. @bluetopz2468 より:

    I can see the budget increase from episode 1108 and 1109. That filler episode is worth it.

  8. @Onepiecefan95 より:

    All i know for sure it will be epic to see such a Divine Departure in the next 2 episodes.

  9. @Tatale より:


  10. @ryzzaal1378 より:


  11. @apprentice1510 より:

    Not long until Devine departure

  12. @francescc923 より:

    Return gear 4 😮😀

  13. @BobbyZaroz より:

    Shanks VS Kid next week 👀

  14. @namikaze_minato116 より:

    One shot kid is on the way😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  15. @ryanmontgomery5887 より:

    Now I see why they keep doing recap episodes.

  16. @absolutefool9577 より:

    Baby Mihawk tweaking ong

  17. @leslieloud17 より:

    Let’s go!!! Shanks and Kidd!!

  18. @user-oh1wq1fy1e より:

    Please don’t screw up Shanks Vs Kidd episode

  19. @dzgamer342 より:

    The Kid Slander IS REAL!!!

  20. @SteadyRouge-dv4hg より:

    For those who know DIVINE DEPARTURE is coming soon❤❤
